Here is the summary of the autocomplete attribute in HTML in German, formatted in tables for a better overview:

Main use of the autocomplete attribute

Element typeDescription
inputCan contain a space-separated list of tokens or the values “on”/”off”. It specifies the expected type of field data.
textareaSpecifies whether the value of the control element can be automatically completed by the browser.
selectSimilar to textarea, it shows whether the value of the control element can be completed automatically.
formThe attribute also applies to form elements and specifies whether the entire form controls can be filled in automatically.

Values and behavior

"on"Allows the browser to automatically complete the input field with its own decisions about the type of data expected.
"off"Prevents auto-completion or value selection for the field due to security or custom implementations.
Token list example"shipping street-address" or "section-user1 billing postal-code" to specify the type of information expected.

Specific properties and effects

Object typeProperty / Effect
HTMLTextAreaElementReflects whether the value of the control element can be automatically completed by the browser.
HTMLFormElementSpecifies the settings for the automatic completion of the form controls for the entire form.
HTMLSelectElementSimilar to textarea and input, it determines whether the value of the select control can be filled in automatically.
HTMLInputElementSpecifies whether the input value can be automatically completed by the browser and accepts token lists.


These tables summarize the main features and use cases of the autocomplete attribute within HTML documents based on information from the Mozilla Developer Network.

The following attributes are possible

Here are the tables without the quotation marks for the attributes:

Default values

onActivates autocomplete for the field if the browser supports this.
offDeactivates autocomplete to force manual entry.

Personal information

nameGeneral name of a person.
honorific-prefixPrefix like “Mr.” or “Mrs.”.
given-nameFirst name of the person.
additional-nameOther names (e.g. middle name).
family-nameLast name of the person.
honorific-suffixSuffix like “Jr.” or “Sr.”.
nicknameNickname of the person.
organization-titleJob title within an organization.
usernameUser name for logging in or registering.
new-passwordNew password for creating or changing account passwords.
current-passwordCurrent password for logging in.
one-time-codeA single-use code for two-factor authentication.

Contact information

emailE-mail address of the person.
imppInstant Messaging Protocol address.
telTelephone number of the person.
urlWebsite or URL.
photoURL of a photo of the person.

Home address

street-addressFull street address.
address-line1First line of the street address (often the house number and the street name).
address-line2Second line of the street address (e.g. apartment, suite).
address-line3Third line of the street address (optional).
address-level4Regional designation level 4 (optional and location-dependent).
address-level3Regional designation level 3 (e.g. city).
address-level2Regional designation level 2 (e.g. district).
address-level1Regional designation level 1 (e.g. federal state).
countryCountry code (two-digit according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2).
country-nameFull name of the country.
postal codePostal code or ZIP code.

Payment information

cc-nameName on the credit card.
cc-given-nameFirst name on the credit card.
cc-additional-nameAnother name on the credit card.
cc-family-nameLast name on the credit card.
cc-numberCredit card number
cc-expExpiration date of the credit card (month and year together).
cc-exp-monthExpiry month of the credit card.
cc-exp-yearExpiry year of the credit card.
cc-cscCard security code.
cc-typeType of credit card (such as Visa, MasterCard).

Further information

transaction-currencyCurrency for the transaction (ISO 4217 code).
transaction-amountAmount of the transaction.
languageLanguage preference.
bdayDate of birth.
bday-dayBirthday (day).
bday-monthMonth of birth.
bday-yearYear of birth.
urlWebsite or URL.
photoURL of a photo of the person.
organizationOrganization with which the person is associated.

These tables contain the possible values of the autocomplete attribute with descriptions.